SEA Teacher Student Report
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1. School: General Information and Academic Administration
After observation, please write a report about school general information and its academic administration according to topics as follows:
1.1 School Profile
School code : 4502
NSSS : 102086107036
NPSN : 10304004
The Name of the Foundation : YAYASAN PENDIDIKAN BUNG HATTA
Year : 2006
Operational Permit : 057/420.DP/DIKNAS.1/2007
Land Area : 95332 m2
Accreditation: A
Nomor : 1145/BASP-SM/LL/XII/2013
TMT : 21/12/2013
Telephone Number/ E-MAIL : 0751 7058619 /
Website :
The Name of the Principal : Rabial, S.Ag.,M.H.I
Class Rank : III.c
Tenure as a Teacher : 9 years
Working period of the Principal : 3 years and 4 months
Last Education : S2
The Total Number of Students : 738
The Total Number of Teachers : 42
The Total Number of Staff: 16
Comparison of the number of teachers and students : 1:17
Motto of SD Islam Al Azhar 32 Padang
"Utama dalam akhlak unggul dalam prestasi"
"The main in morality excels in achievement"
"Cendikiawan muslim yang berakhlak mulia,cerdas, kreatif, berkepribadian kuat,jujur dan unggul dalam prestasi"
"Muslim scholars who are noble, intelligent, creative, strong, honest and superior in achievement"
"Muslim scholars who are noble, intelligent, creative, strong, honest and superior in achievement"
- Melaksanakan Ibadah dan beramal shaleh dalam kegiatan sehari - hari
- Menanamkan nilai - nilai keagmaan dan ketaqwaan serta berakhlak mulai
- Mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir logis , kritis dan kreatif dalam memecahkan masalah serta menguasan teknologi
- Membiasakan kejujuran dan keluhuran budai, sikap, tanggungjawab, dan kemandirian serta kecakappan emosional
- Melaksanakan pembelairan yang unggul, aktif, inovatif , kreatif, manantang dan menyenangkan dengan menggunakan teknologi untuk meraih prestasi nasional dan internasional
- Menciptakan lingkungan sekolah yang aman, nyaman, bersih dan bernuansa islami
- Carry out worship and piety in daily activities
- Instill religious values and devotion and noble character
- Develop the ability to think logically, critically and creatively in solving problems and mastering technology
- Familiarize honesty and nobility, attitudes, responsibilities, and independence and emotional happiness
- Carry out superior, active, innovative, creative, challenging and enjoyable learning by using technology to achieve national and international achievements
- Creating a safe, comfortable, clean and Islamic nuance school environment
Tujuan SD Islam Al Azhar 32 Padang
- Memiliki dasar aqidah yang kuat dan selalu konsisten dalam pengembangannnya
- Diharapkan melahirkan sumber daya yang berkualitas tinggi, manguasai Ilmu Pengatahuan berdasarkan Agama Islam
- Menjadi model sekolah unggulan dalam metodologi pembelajaran
- Memikili ketrampilan hidup yang bermanfaat bagi dirinya, lingkungan sekitar dengan memanfaat kemajuan teknologi
- Memilki lulusan berkualitas, jujur, kreatif, cerdas dan mempunyai kepribadian luhur
- Menjadi sekolah pelopor dan penggerak dilingkungan masyarakat sekitar
- Having a foundation of aqidah that is strong and always consistent in its development
- It is expected to produce high-quality resources, master science based on Islam
- Become a superior school model in learning methodology
- Having life skills that are beneficial to him, the surrounding environment by utilizing technological advancements
- Have graduates of quality, honest, creative, intelligent and have a noble personality
- Become a pioneer and driving school in the surrounding community
1.2 Academic Support System
The academic support system is refer to instructional methods, educational services, or school resources to provide the educational needs of the pupils and to help them accelerate their learning progress, catch up with their peers and meet the learning standards. In my observation the formal education is very required in Indonesia, all children must have a formal education to have a good quality learning. In the school where I am assigned which is SD Al Azhar, their academic support system is very organized and well manageable because they have a special English class for pupils which is called the bilingual class. With this academic support system, it develops the communication skills of each pupils.
Education is compulsory for all Indonesians along with Islamic education. The language that they always use inside the class is Bahasa Indonesia. In Indonesia, Primary Schools are known locally as Sekolah Dasar (SD) and I have observed that the class will normally start at 7:30 AM and ends at 12:00 NN. When inside the class, the boys are separately placed from the girls nonetheless during class discussions they use the teacher and student centered approach.
Every classroom has an overhead projector, educational books, and educational materials. It provides a conducive environment. With this materials, it provides different learning sources where pupils can gain knowledge and develop skills.
1.5 Measurement and evaluation system
The teachers in SD Al Azhar use the analytic rubrics, the one is written in a table form. This rubrics is a two-dimensional rubrics with levels of achievement as columns and assessment criteria as rows. It allows to assess pupils achievements based on multiple criteria using a single rubric. It can assign different weights (value) to different criteria and include an overall achievement by totaling the criteria. When it comes to quizzes and exams, they use objective type of exams and quizzes with the paper and pencil. This is how the school evaluate and measures the knowledge of their pupils.
1.6 Curriculum
The Curriculum 2013 (K-13) is used as a guidance of learning activities at schools which was implemented by the Indonesian government in which it is still applied in every school of Indonesia.
1.7 Teaching Plan (of your major)
1.7 Teaching Plan (of your major)
2. Pedagogical Contents
After observation, please write a report on school pedagogical contents (where you were placed for practicum) according to topics as follows:
2.1 Teaching methods of the teacher that you observed
The Physical Education (P.E.) of Indonesia is one of the core curriculum subjects to have a comprehensive health and skills in sports. I have observed that the girls is always separated from the boys when inside or outside the class. The method that the teacher used in his discussion is co-cooperative learning where the students developed their self-knowledge and self-respect for functioning effective group work.
2.2 Their learning materials and innovation
In every discussion, the teacher is always prepared and inspiring. The teacher often depend on textbooks for his topic to discuss to his pupils. Because it is a physical education subject, the most important materials to be use are whistles, orange cones, and balls. And lastly the venue of the class is always in the field in order for the students to move freely.
2.3 Sources of learning and technology used by the teacher
Having a good environment can produce quality education to the learners. In my observation, I can see that they all have the educational needs and the ideal learning environment for the pupils. When it comes to technology, they utilize available resources for example an overhead projector when presenting a PowerPoint presentation and a speaker during class discussion.
2.4 Authentic assessment used by the teachers
In my observation. Mr. Robi, my cooperating teacher uses the analytic rubric to assess his students. In his evaluation, the pupils were tasked to do a performance task and determined their skills and knowledge if it reached the competencies. In his way to conduct an examination for his pupils, he just used objective test to assess his pupils. He also did the summary and purpose of his topic everytime he ends the class.
3.1 Curriculum
The curriculum in Indonesia is K-13, it is a curriculum that gives the quality education to teach children. This curriculum leads the students to be active and developed their potential in academics and religious values. When it comes to my subject that I handled, the curriculum is a guide on how to teach the students to have a good health and to learn some basic movements in physical education.
3.2 Teaching plan related to your topic
My cooperating teacher allowed me to used my own lesson plan for the reason, it is easy for me to do my demonstration if I were to use my own lesson plan. But he first checked my lesson plan before I perform my demonstration. In addition, he also gave me a physical education book, as a form of guide in my topic.
4. Teaching Practice
4.1 Procedure of teaching

My procedure in my teaching was not similar with the Indonesian teaching procedure. Because it is a Physical Education class, I always started by forming two (2) lines, then with a prayer, followed by checking of the attendance, after that is doing the warm-up and lastly checking the nails. The purpose of checking the nails of the pupils is that I just want that my pupils are clean and healthy. When it comes to motivation, I prepared my motivation by letting them play the Philippine traditional games, before starting the game I first introduced it to them first before they begin and the pupils enjoyed it. After the motivation is the formal discussion and asking questions were followed which were about the importance of the topic. Then after the discussion and asking question, that is the time that the activity will follow and also assessing their skills. Before I end the class, I do a recap of the topic and review.
4.2 Time management and organizing activities
In my time allocation for my lesson was 1 hour. The 20 minutes of the time will be the discussion of the topic, the other 20 minutes is their performance task. If they are finish with their performance task, I let them have a water break and a 5 minute rest. The remaining 15 minutes will be the their play time. I can manage my time and class properly for being a responsible student teacher.
4.3 Problem-solving
Actually, I didn't have any problem during my teaching practice because I was assigned in a bilingual class in which the class was able to understand English. I can communicate with them easily because we can understand each other, I can say that they are fast learners because they are very participative during my class discussion. But when it comes to my cooperating teacher, that is the only problem that I had because my cooperating teacher is not literally good in English. When it comes to his class discussion, he uses Bahasa Indonesia language.
4.4 Classroom management
3. Teaching Plan
After observation, please write a report about your teaching plan according to topics as follows:3.1 Curriculum
The curriculum in Indonesia is K-13, it is a curriculum that gives the quality education to teach children. This curriculum leads the students to be active and developed their potential in academics and religious values. When it comes to my subject that I handled, the curriculum is a guide on how to teach the students to have a good health and to learn some basic movements in physical education.
3.2 Teaching plan related to your topic
My cooperating teacher allowed me to used my own lesson plan for the reason, it is easy for me to do my demonstration if I were to use my own lesson plan. But he first checked my lesson plan before I perform my demonstration. In addition, he also gave me a physical education book, as a form of guide in my topic.
4. Teaching Practice
For teaching practice, please write a teaching plan and consult with teacher (of your teaching subject). Then student teachers will be assigned to teach in class and reflect on their teaching after class. Please write a report on the teaching practice according to topics as follows:

My procedure in my teaching was not similar with the Indonesian teaching procedure. Because it is a Physical Education class, I always started by forming two (2) lines, then with a prayer, followed by checking of the attendance, after that is doing the warm-up and lastly checking the nails. The purpose of checking the nails of the pupils is that I just want that my pupils are clean and healthy. When it comes to motivation, I prepared my motivation by letting them play the Philippine traditional games, before starting the game I first introduced it to them first before they begin and the pupils enjoyed it. After the motivation is the formal discussion and asking questions were followed which were about the importance of the topic. Then after the discussion and asking question, that is the time that the activity will follow and also assessing their skills. Before I end the class, I do a recap of the topic and review.
4.2 Time management and organizing activities
In my time allocation for my lesson was 1 hour. The 20 minutes of the time will be the discussion of the topic, the other 20 minutes is their performance task. If they are finish with their performance task, I let them have a water break and a 5 minute rest. The remaining 15 minutes will be the their play time. I can manage my time and class properly for being a responsible student teacher.
4.3 Problem-solving
Actually, I didn't have any problem during my teaching practice because I was assigned in a bilingual class in which the class was able to understand English. I can communicate with them easily because we can understand each other, I can say that they are fast learners because they are very participative during my class discussion. But when it comes to my cooperating teacher, that is the only problem that I had because my cooperating teacher is not literally good in English. When it comes to his class discussion, he uses Bahasa Indonesia language.
4.4 Classroom management
In my classroom management, it is well organized and controlled. I handled 28 pupils in one class and they are Grade 2 pupils. By handling them with different characteristics, I gave some rewards to the pupils that is very participative and well mannered in class. If they are little bit noisy, I just tell them that “Who wants to have another star?” and that’s the time that I can get their attention and that is the time they will be quite. It is not difficult to me to managed the class because I used a teaching strategy that best fit with this type of learnings because it shows that how much I care and love them.
6.1 Purpose of practicum (meets or not meets your need)
6. Summary and Suggestions
6.1 Purpose of practicum (meets or not meets your need)
The purpose of this practicum is to help the student learn how to apply knowledge and general principles to real life situations, problems, and concerns. It improves the self esteem and teaching skills of the student teachers. With this, I learn a lot especially how to teach pupils from another country. It develops my English communication skills and social ability. And I gained some knowledge about their culture and tradition of the country where I was assigned. With this practicum experience, all I can say is that the way to become a responsible and inspiring teacher is through dedication and hardwork.
6.2 Procedures of practicum
The first step in practicum is coordinate with your cooperating teacher, then during the first week of practicum is the class observation, followed by the second week is being an assistant of the teacher and in the final week is the teaching demonstration.
6.3 Outcomes of practicum
The outcomes of my practice teaching are the following:- Self- confidence
- New teaching strategies
- Fluency of my English communication skills
- Understanding a new culture, tradition and religion
- Understanding different human behavior
6.4 The challenges of practicum
The only challenge that I encounter in my practicum is the communication because some of people in the place where I am assigned didn't know how to speak English.
6.5 Overall impression
The only challenge that I encounter in my practicum is the communication because some of people in the place where I am assigned didn't know how to speak English.
6.5 Overall impression
In the end of my practicum experience, I can say that it is very memorable and meaningful because of the new knowledge that I have learned. It gives me great happiness that I am part of this program in which I was able to teach outside my country, this is a big opportunity for me to enhance my teaching skills, confidence and English communication capability. I am very lucky to be assigned in SD Al Azhar because the teachers and the staffs treated me like a member of their family. As of now, I can say that I am very satisfied in my practice teaching experience.
6.6 Suggestion for future improvement
There is nothing to improve in this program because it is the best program that I have joined. I hope that they will give more opportunities for the next student teachers. Because of this program, I was exposed to teach in another country and experience a new environment. Thank you so much for this program. Terima kasih 😊😊😊
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